بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Bahawa sesuatu perbuatan yang baik tanpa dimulai dengan Bismillah maka ia akan terputus dari rahmat Allah s.w.t" ucaplah بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Isnin, 2 Mei 2011

Ayat Kursi Yang Dibaca Setiap Hari Selepas Solat

In the name of Allah,
The beneficent, The merciful, Allah..there is no God but He, 
The Living, The Self-Subsisting, The Eternal. 
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep. 
All things in Heaven and Earth are His. 
Who could intercede in His presence without his permission? 
He knows what appears in front of and behind His creatures. 
Nor can they encompass any knowledge of Him except what He wills. 
His throne extends over the Heaven and the Earth, 
And He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them, 
For He is the highest and most exalted  "al-baqarah-ayat 255"

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